Welcome to my blog! I am always adding more products, so check back frequently. On the right hand side, you'll notice my product list. Click on the link to direct you to the different items. I mainly started this site for customized baby artwork and hairbows, but as I come up with new and creative ideas, the list keeps growing. Have fun, and know that ANYTHING CAN BE CUSTOMIZED to your specific needs. Please e-mail me with any questions or orders.

January 20, 2010

Fabric Flower Designs for Hair

I am super excited to introduce these new fabric flowers! The petals are actual fabric. I can do these in any colors you'd like. This is literally just a sample of what I've done. I have two styles available (more coming soon!): Vintage Petals or Modern Daisy.

Vintage Petals: $7 each or 2 for $13
edit_adri on rocking chair with red flower

petal fabric flower_red Petal fabric flower_red close up

Black and Pink--------------------------- Hot Pink and Blue
Brown and Pink -----------------orange and green


Red and Blue-------------------------------Blue and Pink

Brown Multi-color-----------------------------Purple

Black, Red and White----------------------Yellow

Hot Pink and Yellow-------------------Bright Multi-colored

Turquoise and green-----------------------Brown and Pink stripe

Pink, Green and white-------------------Black, grey and white

turquoise------------------------------------pink and grey

black and white------------------------red and black

Fabric flowers approx: 3 1/4” diameter

Modern Daisy: $8.50 each or 2 for $16

Daisy fabric flower_pink,brown and greendaisy fabric flower_close up green, pink, brown
Brown, Pink and Green

Black and Hot Pink

Blue and Red

Approx: 4 1/2” diameter


Mindy Peck said...

Em those are so dang cute! I can't wait to have a girl. I think you'll be getting one of Jackson's paychecks, because I am going to go crazy buying stuff:)

3 Men & a Lady said...

Oh my goodness! Those are the cutest flower headbands EVER! You are so creative, Emily. Seriously, you have an amazing gift! I am so wishing I had a girl right now!

Erin Spenc said...

I have had so many people compliment Leah's flowers (with the sparkly middle) and directed them here.
Hey, you should add a "search" bar (its available through the blog "add a gadget".